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News: Rubriker
News: Blog2
Writer's pictureEmma Lindeberg Berglund

Work for Konstkåren!

Konstkåren is now looking for a new presidium for academic year 2024/2025!

Are you interested in union work? Would you like to improve the students' life at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Gothenburg? This might be for you!

We are looking for a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a clerk!

You can ask your questions and send your application (CV + cover letter) before the 20st of April to

What exactly are the tasks for each position?

Presidium (Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson)

1. Overall tasks

  1. Implement the decisions of the General Council (FUM) and the Board (STYM)

  2. To be available by email and telephone on behalf of the union

  3. Communicate regularly with the sections 

  4. Communicate regularly with student representatives

  5. Be the face of the Union internally and externally.

  6. Manage and negotiate Konstkåren’s agreements and collaborations.

  7. Manage the union’s premises, storage space and equipment, both physical and digital.

1.1 Implementing the decisions of the General Council and the Board 

It is usually the Board that formally implements the decisions of the General Council, but the Board as well as the General Council may delegate directly to the presidium the task of both preparing and implementing the decisions. This often involves pursuing issues in various forums and, for example, compiling letters, for which the board decides on the direction.

Many important documents for the General Council, such as the annual report, financial statements, operational plan, budget, policy documents and opinion documents on which the Board decides, are prepared by the presidium.

The presidum is also responsible for compiling and documenting documents such as agendas, annexes and minutes for board and council meetings.

1.2 Accessibility by email and phone

One of the most important tasks of the Bureau is to deal with incoming emails and phone calls and forward them to the adequate person or deal with them themselves.

1.3 Communicate regularly with the sections

In order to maintain a flow of communication from the students to the faculty management, it is necessary not only that the sections communicate with the Presidium, but also that the Presidium actively communicates with the sections. 

1.4 Communicate regularly with student representatives

This refers to the student representatives at faculty level, except for those who hold positions not held by the Presidium itself.

1.5.1 Being the face of Konstkåren

It is the Presidium's task to be the face of Konstkåren for all students. This means being visible at the departments, especially at larger gatherings at the start and end of the semester, together with the elected section activists. 

The Bureau should also participate in the yearly meeting and section meetings of the sections from time to time as time permits. 

1.5.2 Acting as the face of the Union

The Presidium has an important role in representing the Union as an organisation and maintaining the Union's brand and reputation in the councils and forums in which they sit.

It is also the task of the Presidium to be the face of the union in the media when necessary and appropriate.

It is also the task of the Presidium to represent the union at special public events, e.g. GU's professor installation and Doktorspromotion.

1.6 Contracts and cooperation

The Board decides on the conclusion, amendment and termination of contracts in the name of the union, and it is the task of the presidium to negotiate and administer these contracts.

The Presidium can also work on managing different types of collaborations with external parties, such as student offers to students of the Faculty or Konstkåren.

1.7.1 Premises and equipment

Since 2010, the presidium has office space in Studenternas Hus on Götabergsgatan. It is the Presidium's responsibility to manage the keys and card access to the premises. 

1.7.2 E-mail and digital storage archive

Furthermore, it is the task of the Presidium to manage the e-mail addresses provided by GU through Google services, and thereby also the digital storage archive (Google Drive) that the Presidium can use to easily and smoothly work with and have access to current documents together.


The Chairperson is the signatory of Konstkåren and is ultimately responsible for the finances. The President also has some responsibility for educational issues, although the area of responsibility is not mainly placed on the chairperson. A student representative's position in the Faculty Board and the student representative's position in the Prefect's Council is directly linked to the Chair, unless the Board decides otherwise.


The Presidium of the Union includes 1-2 Vice chairperson. All vices have some responsibility for educational matters, although the main responsibility is not assigned to them. One of the student representative positions in the Faculty Board is directly linked to a Vice Chairperson, unless the Board decides otherwise.

2. Educational issues

The Faculty of Arts

The Presidium represents the students at faculty level at the Faculty of Arts.

The are positions in the Teacher Proposal Board and in the Faculty of Arts' advisory board for undergraduate and graduate education, KF BUGA.

Student matters 

Individual student matters go primarily through the section and the section representatives. If necessary, the presidium can also be involved as support, i.e. the presidium with responsibility for educational issues. If the presidium's time or knowledge is not enough, the presidium can involve the GUS student representative if the student wishes.


University of Gothenburg Student Unions (GUS)

The Presidium will represent the students of Konstkåren in the University of Gothenburg Student Unions' cooperation body, GUS. 

Attending and working in GUS-internal working groups and other bodies such as the Electoral Committee, the Rector's Breakfast and the Rector's Strategy Meeting are also the responsibility of the Presidium.

Göteborgs Förenade Studentkårer (GFS)

Konstkåren is a member in Göteborgs Förenade Studentkårer, GFS, and there, shall represent their students. 

Konstkåren has a seat in the Electoral Committee of GFS. 

GFS is also the member unions' coordinator for Studentforum, a forum for student unions and politicians in the city of Gothenburg. 

3. Study social

The presidium has the task of coordinating study social activities at faculty level, being the contact person for the sections regarding their study social activities, including faculty support, and pursuing study social events in appropriate forums. 

Interdepartmental activities 

The Presidium is also tasked with coordinating the arrangement of interdepartmental activities. The Board or Presidium may set up specific working groups to organise activities, convened by the Presidium responsible for student affairs.

4. Work environment and equal treatment issues

The presidial with responsibility for work environment issues should be the Student Head Work Environment Officer (SHAMO) and has the task of coordinating student work environment work and SAMOs at the institutions. One of the two positions in the Local Work Environment Committee (LAMK) at the Faculty of Arts is directly linked to the president with responsibility for work environment issues, unless the board decides otherwise.

The Presidium has overall responsibility for ensuring that information flows through Konstkåren in the best possible way. To reach out with information to the members and students, the following information channels are available:

  1. Konstkåren website

  2. Facebook page of Konstkåren

  3. Newsletter

  4. Graphic communication

  5. Posters in the institutions

  6. Printed matter e.g. information folders

  7. Emails to students

The Presidium is also expected to be in regular contact with the sections and with students in the institutions in order to be aware of the students' situation.

Finally, the Presidium shall also be accessible by email, telephone, letter and in person to the members and students of the Union, the University and the Union's bodies, as well as to external parties.

6. International students

GU organises a welcome program for international students at the start of the semester. The presidium has the task of participating in the planning and execution of this welcome program. 

Clerks of Konstkåren

Konstkåren has the possibility to elect persons to the position of clerks, who then have specific tasks in the two main union financial areas: general economy and membership.  

1. Economy

The signatory chairperson is responsible for the finances of Konstkåren. 

A clerk is responsible for managing the finances. This means ensuring that invoices are paid, payments are made and taxes are paid to the tax authorities. 

The presidium and the clerks must have good contact and cooperation to ensure that financial transactions are handled and recorded correctly and on time.

Banking services

Konstkåren uses banking services in order to administer incoming and outgoing payments. It is the Presidium's task to have contact with the bank and ensure that they have access to Konstkåren’s bank accounts, any bank cards, and to report any changes in signatories for Konstkåren.


The clerk is also responsible for managing the day-to-day bookkeeping of Konstkåren, compiling a financial statement including a balance sheet and profit and loss account after the end of the financial year, and submitting a declaration to the tax authorities after the end of the calendar year. 


Konstkåren also sends invoices to certain actors in connection with certain agreements. The clerk is responsible for creating, sending and accounting for these invoices.

2. Register of members


Since 2018, Konstkåren uses a membership management system provided by Montania. The clerk has the task of maintaining contact with Montania and, among other things, communicating current membership fees and types of membership that the General Council decides on, as well as administering the sending of payment forms to students at the Faculty of Arts. 

The person responsible for the membership management system is also responsible for answering questions from members about membership, payments, Swish, Decent, SGS,… and ensuring that registration works. Contact with SGS and Mecenat is also made by the clerk.

3. Study social

The clerk has the responsibility of keeping track of the study social fundings allocated, make the transfers and claim the money back. The clerk has to verify the receipts, according to the study social rules and keep track of the study social budget, allocation and rules. 


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